A repository of hymns and songs used in catholic settings.
Hymn Index
The Order of Mass
GitHub project
Last updated on 6 Mar 2025
A catholic hymn repository
A new commandment
All I need is love
All to Jesus I surrender
As the deer
At the name of Jesus
Be not afraid! I go before you always
Be still and know
Bestir Thy power
Blessed are they who are poor in spirit
Blest are they
Bread that was sown
Christ be our light
Come back to me
Come, Come Emmanuel
Deep calls to deep
Do this in memory of me
He is Lord
Hide me in the hollow of Your loving hand
Holy is His Name
I am the bread of life
I am the light
I dare not sing of Jesus' pain and anguish
In the Lord, is my hope
Jesus always loved His own
Jesus you're the sweetest name of all
Jesus, You are my salvation
Just to fix our eyes on Jesus
Lord make me like You
Lord, You have touched my heart
Lose yourself in me
Make me a servant
Make me an instrument
Mercy, Lord we have sinned
No one can give to me that peace
O let the Son of God enfold you
O maiden will you be
Our hearts were made for You, Lord
Shepherd of my soul
Son of David, have pity on me
Sons of God, hear His holy Word
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is near
The Saviour is waiting
The steadfast love
We see the troubles in our lives
What does it profit a man?
Whatsoever you do
Whom do you seek?
Yes, I shall arise